11 Apr 2011

Crazy day

 Feeling a bit better today,

Well, after a well slept night I woke up this morning at 5:30 am to take a shower and get all my stuff ready for a busy day. Got in the car with mum and we both went to get blood tests that our doctors asked for. We got there and the lady took ages to find a vein in my arm to stick the needle in and draw my blood, dunno why its so hard to find my veins, LOL. Then I went to work and and taught a few classes, my noisy students driving me a bit crazy in our psoter making moment, glue and scissors flying everywhere, but eventually we got things done. From work I walk a while to get to the travel agency to buy my ticket to Rio de Janeiro (where I'm going with my class from university, we are going to visit some of Brazil's major film and TV studios, including Globo's Projac.) Got there, bought the ticket, and walk into town to buy some new piercings for my ears.

Then I went to have lunch at a chinese restaurant (all alone, :( ), had shrimp, chips, salad and orange juice, and walked to the bus station to meet up with my friend Mariana.When I got there, there was a huge queue to pay the bus faire and it started to rain really hard. After about 15 minutes in the queue I finally paid my faire and went through the gate. I had aranged to meet my friend there at 11:30 am, however when I got there she hadn't arrived. So I sat down and waited, our bus went by quite a few times, but still no sign of her, I even met her sister there, coming back from Uni and still no sign of Mariana, she then sent me a message saying she was on her way. So I waited a bit more and finally her bus came and there she was. We had arraged to meet to go and film and document the second Moulding process for the mask for the film I mentioned a few posts ago.
So we got on the other bus and stopped near the dentists office. We ran to get there on time and to our surprise nobody was there. The main actress who was getting her teeth moulded had not arrived and neither had the dentist. So we waited. At 12:30pm the dentist arrived, but still no sign of the actress. And still we waited. at 1pm we decided to leave since Mariana had to go and I had to work. So we walked down to the deli to get something to eat and I went to work. I got there and prepared some stuff for my class and taught  a few classes. At 6pm I called my motortaxi ( in my city we also have motorcycle taxis, which are faster and cheaper than regular Taxis), went to University and surfed on the net a bit. Then we started to shoot ou odcumentary, but then I had to go to my students' house to teach them until 10pm. It started to rain on the way there and I got soaked. On the way back it was still raining, but I chatted with my motortaxi driver and the time flew by. Then I got home soaking wet, drank some lemonade and now I'm here online, totally not sleepy and preparing for another busy day tommorow! Good Night or Boa Noite!


  1. dia corrido hein? uhauhau
    como tu aguenta?
    desculpe, mas comento em português mesmo xD

  2. fica a vontade. escrovo em inglês só p treinar, mas quem quiser comentar em português pode. O importante é comentar!
