5 Apr 2011

My T-Shirts (made by me)

I love painting my own t-shirts, it's fun to do and it's guaranteed no one will ever have the same T-Shirt as you!
These are a few that I've done, I post some more in the future.
I also make them to sell, so if anyone is interested you can coment on here, or tweet me @lomisfilmaholic or e-mail me at palomacguimaraes@hotmail.com!
 Totoro - From Hayao Miyazaki's film Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro)
 Dexter (favourite series ever), Snoopy, and Evil Monkey who lives in Chris' closet (from family guy)
 The Killers (my favourite modern band) and another The Killers Neon Tiger (my favourite the Killers song)
Totoro again and My Filmaholic's club T-shirt ( promo for my other blog, http://filmaholicsclub.blogspot.com/ IN PORTUGUESE)

I also made a Kenpatchi T-shirt for my Boyfriend, but I'll have to take a picture of it to post on here and I made an Arcade Fire T-shirt for my best friend which I will also take a picture of asap.
Goodnight all and sweet dreams!

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